Public digital business cards can be shared and accessed with customers, business partners, and friends.
Public business cards on Becard form the core functionality. We need to distinguish between public and secured digital business cards. The initial step is always the same, but subsequent actions may vary, as there could be a need for PIN validation. This is indicated in the response after the initial GET Prefetch step.
We protect digital cards, particularly against search engine indexing and external attacks, through dual validation, irrespective of whether they are public or secured digital business cards. In the first step, we search and retrieve the basic data of the desired card.
Occasionally, we receive a 'Secret' and a 'SecretHash,' which contains the signature key for further querying in the second step through the POST request. Upon successful query authentication, contact information and social media channels are provided.
Step 1: Prefetch ground card data and get secret tokens.
As IDENTIFICATION_ID you are able to choose between UUID, USERNAME,PRODUCT- or a QRCODE SERIAL NUMBER to find and prefetch a public digital business card.
GET /v1/public/card/{IDENTIFICATION_ID}/prefetch
Path Parameters
{"status":200,"uuid":"As43ydsm1D0VRgN","username":"pablo-martinez","name":"Pablo Matinez","isBusiness":false,"organisation":"Zara Moda","position":"Director de marketing","department":null,"description": {"en":"El creador de la moda." },"redirection":null,"focus":"contact","color":"#a80000","avatar": {"uuid":"Ws5A0Z5qH4rjQo2","src":"","mim_type":"image/jpeg","extension":"jpg","size":"6.04 KB" },"template":"card","settings": {"show_login_button":true,"show_becard_logo":true,"logo_src":"","icon_src":null,"header_src":"","favicon_src":null,"background_src":null,"enable_backgrounds":false,"show_avatar":true,"save_avatar":true,"enable_contact_book":false,"show_vcf_link":true,"enable_qrCode":true,"enable_pushNotifications":false,"push_notifications":"vbrLeT5riv*****","newsletter": {"email":true,"name":true,"phone":false },"affiliate":false },"secure_domain":null,"lang":"en","secret":"JDJ5JDEwJERMMDQySmphbVlBZDk*****","secretHash":"ZXhwaXJlcz0xNjk3NzU4M***"}
Step 1.1: Prefetch if PIN required
If a digital business card requires a PIN, the signature key must be requested. After successful PIN validation, a signature is generated, which is appended as a QUERY parameter to the ENDPOINT in step 1. Therefore, the query is repeated once more with an additional signature.
Please note: The signature is only valid for 10 minutes.
{"message":"This card is not found or no longer exists!","errors": {"Card": ["This card is not found or no longer exists!" ] }}
Step 2: Use your Secret Hash-Tokens to get contact details.
To get query parameter signatureand expiresyou need to decrypt the base64 encodedsecretHashof the prefetched card. This tokens valid maximum 5 minutes.