Getting started

This section will help you kickstart your integration with our platform. Follow these steps to begin using our API quickly:

  1. Sign Up and Obtain Your API Key

To start using the API, you need to sign up for an account. Crreate your account on Once registered, you'll be able to generate your unique API key. Go after you successfull singend in, to "My Account" -> "API Access"!

  1. Authentication

Authentication is crucial for securing your API requests. You'll need to include your API key in the request headers. Please refer to the "Authentication" section in this documentation for detailed instructions.

  1. Endpoint

Our API provides a range of endpoints to access different features and data. Learn about available resources and how to interact with them. We currently not supporting SANDBOX Endpoints.

Production API-Endpoint
  1. Build Your Application

With a solid understanding of the REST API, you can now begin developing your application. Utilize the API to create innovative solutions that leverage digital business cards and enhance the way people connect.

  1. Get Support

If you encounter issues, have questions, or need assistance during integration, our support team is here to help. Contact us at for prompt assistance.

Explore the documentation, experiment with the API, and start creating exceptional user experiences.

Last updated